Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dr. Seyyed Hassan Hosseini

Dr. Seyyed Hassan Hosseini, Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy of Science,                                                                          

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Date and Place of Birth: 1967, Shiraz, Iran                                  

Martial Status:

Married & 2 Children


1) M.A., Theology and Islamic Studies, 1992, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2) PhD, Islamic Philosophy (Transcendental Philosophy), 2001,Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

PHD Dissertation: “A Critical Study of the Theory of Religious Pluralism and an Explanation of Islamic Perspectives Regarding Pluralism in Religion”.

Supervisor: Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr, The George Washington University, Washington D.C.

Courses Taught:

1)      Islamic Philosophy

2)      Islamic Theology

3)      Philosophy of Religion

4)      Religion and Psychology

5)      Philosophical Theology

6)      Theory of Knowledge and Epistemology

7)   Quranic Studies

8)   God and Philosophy

9)   Analytic Philosophy of Religion

10) Classical Logic



2008     Aesthetics and Philosophy of Media, (Edited, with introduction and essay) Tehran: Mehr Niyoshia Press.

2008   Hikmat Motahar, the Proceedings of the World Conference on Motahhari's Thoughts, 3 Volumes, (Edited, with introductions, translation and essay) Tehran: IRIB University Publication.

2007   Perennial Knowledge, the Collection of Dr. Nasr's Essays. 2 Volumes. (Edited, with Introductions) Tehran: Mehr Niyosha Press.

2007  Perennial Knowledge, Dr. Nasr's Biography and Bibliography Seyed Hassan Hosseini and Seyed Reza Malih, (Edited, with translation and introduction) Tehran: Mehr Niyosha Press.

2004     Measure of Wisdom, (Edited, with introduction and essay) Tehran: Soroush Press.

2003    Religious Pluralism or Pluralism in Religion, Tehran: Soroush Press.

2003     Perennial Philosophy. (Edited, with introduction), Tehran: Soroush Press.

In Preparation      From the Presumption of Atheism to "There is a God", an Analysis of Antony Flew's Thoughts, Book Manuscript.

In Preparation      What is Neo-Thomism? , Book Manuscript.

In Preparation       The Unique Religion, Book Manuscript.

Articles and Book Chapters*

"Religious Pluralism and Pluralistic Religion: John Hick's Epistemological Foundation of Religious Pluralism and an Explanation of Islamic Epistemology toward Diversity of Unique Religion", The Pluralist, Vol. 5. No.1. Spring, 2010.

"Islam and Transcendent Uniqueness, Philosophy of Human life and Religions", in Reform and Resistance in the Quest for Peace, Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.

"What is this Thing Called Philosophy of Media?" in Seyed Hassan Hosseini (ed.), Aesthetics and Philosophy of Media, Tehran, Mehr Niyosha Press, 2008.*

"Religion and Media, Religious Media or Media Religion, Theoretical Studies", Journal of Media and Religion, 7: 56-69, 2008.

"Motahari's Attitude toward the Problem of Religious Pluralism" in Seyed Hassan Hosseini (ed.), Hikmatt Mothahar, the Proceedings of the World Conference on Motahari's Thoughts. Volume 3. IRIB University Publication, 2008.*

"Media Philosophy, Motivations and Necessities", Radio and Television Quarterly, Vol. 3. Spring, 2007.*

"Religions Pluralism and Global Theology" in M. Abdul Sabur and Lisa Seheak (eds.), New Visions for Press, Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.

"The Foundations of Sacred Art from Traditionalists’ Viewpoints (Emphasizing Nasr's Approach)", Radio and Television Quarterly, Vol. 3. No. 2, 2006.*

"Philosophical and Epistemological Interpretation on the Meaningfulness and Verification of Religious Beliefs", The Collection of Research Projects, Sharif University of Technology, 2005.*


"A Comparative Study on the Philosophical and Theological Backgrounds of Religious Pluralism in Christianity and Islam", Journal of Religious Thought, Shiraz University, Vol. 1. 2004.*

"A Comparative Study in the Foundations of Religious Pluralism in the Quran From the Viewpoints of Allameh Tabatabaie and Motahari", Maqalat va Barrasiha, University of Tehran, No. 74. Winter, 2004.*

"The Foundations of Religious Pluralism in Quran Emphasizing Allame Tabatabai's Quranic Interpretation", in Seyed Hassan Hosseini (ed.), The Measure of Wisdom, Soroush Press, 2004.

"A Brief Discussion on the Meaningfulness and Verifiability of Religious Proposition", Journal of Humanities of Azzahra University, Tehran, Vol. 20, 2003.*

"The Philosophical Impact of Khaje-Nasir-re-Din Tosi on Mulla-Sadra",  Farhang,  Quarterly Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies. No. 16. 2003.*

"Ineffability" (by John Hick, Translation), Farhang, Vol. 15, 2003.

"An Investigation of the Operation of Islamic Sciences among a Group of Iranian University Students Regarding their Degree of Contentment, Accomplishment of Expected Changes, and Realization of Aspiration", Seyed Hassan Hosseini and Seyed Ali Akbar Hosseini. Council for National Scientific Research, Iran 2002.*

"A Glance at the Islamic Philosophy of Psychic Hygiene", Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities of Shiraz University, Vol. 15. No. 1, Fall 1999.*

*Farsi Books and Articles.

Conference Presentations:

"Nature of Media, Identity of Religion, Consistency or Inconsistency" International Conference on Philosophy of Media, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran, 2010.

"Religious Pluralism and Global Theology: Uniqueness in Diversity and Diversity in Uniqueness", International Conference on Multiculturalism and Global Community, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran, 2010.

"Faith and Truth, Two Philosophical Approaches toward the Problem of Religious Diversity, A Christian Based Theory of Faith, and an Islamic Grounded Theory of Truth", First Asian Philosophy Congress, New Delhi, India, 2010.

"Sadra and Clarke on the Arguments for the Existence of God", A Dialogue Between Muslim and Christian Philosophy, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2010.

"Religion and Media, Conflict or Comprise, New Approaches to Theoretical Studies", International Conference on Culture and Religion, Payap University, Thailand, 2007.

"Ethical Media, Creating Shared Symbols toward Intercultural Communication", Second International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, May 2007.

"Islam and Transcendent Being, Philosophy of Human life and Religions", AMAN Assembly and International Peace Forum, Islamic State University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2006.

"Man as a Transcendent Being, Islam and Buddhism", Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue, Religions on life and Death, Beijing University, China, 2006.

"Religious Media or Media Religion", International Conference on Religion and Media, Tehran University, 2005.

"Sacred Art and Traditionalism", International Conference on Art, Tradition and Traditionalists, the Iranian Academy of Arts, 2004.

"Religious Broadcastings on Radio and Television in Iran, from Theoretical Studies to Applied Issues", 2nd international Religious Publications and Broadcastings, Ankara, Turkey, 2004.

"Religious Pluralism", 12th Conference of the International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture, The Challenge of Pluralism – the Power of Interpretation, Uppsala University Sweden, 2004.

"Khaje –Nasir – Al- Din Tosi and Mullasadra", 2nd International Conference on Mullasadra and Transcendent Philosophy, Tehran, Iran, 2004.

"Discourses in Comparative Studies in the foundations of Religious Pluralism in the Quran from the Viewpoints of Allameh Tabatabaei and Motahari", World Conference on Motahari's Thoughts (Free – thinking and Revival of Religious Thought), Tehran, April, 2004.

"Religious Pluralism and Global Theology, John hick and Islamic Epistemology". International Conference on Religion and Globalization, Payap University, Chaing Mai, Thailand. 2003.

"Religious Pluralism and Global Theology, Fundamental Theological Approaches", International Conference on Common Good for Globalization, Saint Petersburg University, Russia, 2003.

"The Philosophical Foundations of Mental Health in Islam", the First Conference on Psychology in Islam, Azzahra University, Tehran, 1996.

"An Investigation of the Philosophical Foundations of Relationship between Soul and Body", the First international Conference on Medical Ethics, Tehran, 1996.

Academic Activities and Experiences:

1.  Indiana University, Visiting Professor, 2008-2009.

2.  Radio and Television University, Chancellor, 2005-2008.

3.  Vice Dean, Philosophy of Science Department, Sharif University of Technology, 2001-2008

4.  Council Member, the Graduate Studies Council, Sharif University of Technology, 2001-2008.

5.  Visiting Professor, Indiana University, the United States, 2000-2001.

6.  Conference Director, World Conference on Motahari’s Thoughts, Tehran, 2004.

7.  Editorial Board, Journal of Qur'anic Studies, Tehran, Iran.

8.  Editorial Board, Name Sadeg Journal (Culture and Communication), Imam Sadeg University, Tehran, Iran.

9.  Editorial Board, Journal of Iranian Studies, Kerman University.

10.   Editor in Chief, The Journal of Religious Thought, The Iranian Philosophy of Religion Association.

Hikmat view

Hikmat view

Hikmat view

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Last Update: 11:41 GMT, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010

Health & Science > Technology


      Deja Vu (Day 3)

With so much going on it is often difficult to miss events. Thankfully, on my way out last night I found my way to one talk I'm glad I didn't miss. The speaker drew in such a large crowd, I've never seen the conference hall as full.


      Wheels Go Round and Round (Day 2)

Being engaged in the telecoms industry for just less than a decade, I've seen some colorful things in many countries around the world. I wasn't, however, ...


      Mobile Harmony (Day 1)

It is now 5:30 and I find myself typing at the end of the day without even having stepped inside any of the exhibition halls or listening to any of the le...

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      The Immersed Experience

The world telecoms elite gather in Barcelona for another week of intensive talks, demonstrations and networking. The famous nigh...


      Robot Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

A military revolution is taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan and it is not just in how these wars are fought but who are actual...


      Wii Remote Interactive Hacks

You can get a digital whiteboard, a touchscreen, a head-mounted 3-D viewer all in a Wii Remote with only $40.


      SMS: Sending Messages of Sectarianism?

No one better appreciates the essence of mobile technology in the Nigeria’s socio-economic and political environment than those ...


      iPad as the Ultimate Third Category?

Apple's chief says iPad will comfortably fill the space between smart-phones and laptops, but competitors are unlikely to sit id...


      Mapping Mobile Gaming

With the leading annual mobile conference just around the corner in February in Barcelona, London played host to a smaller niche...


      Make the Map to Aid in the Disaster (Video)

Google's Lalitesh Katragadda demos in this video how mapping the world in details would help save people during disasters and di...


      In Avatar: Medium Eclipses Message

Avatar is a runaway success apparently because of its cutting-edge technology, but it's not immediately clear whether that spell...

Technology: Appropriate Technology . Computers & Communications . General Technology . Military Technology . Space Technology
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Al Qur'aan Ch: 2   Verse: 269
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Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed

Graphics Design:
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Salma Mohammed

Articles Submitted By:
Haafiz Muhammad Naseem Khan
Dr. Firaz Hosein
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Proofreading & Editing by:
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Distribution By:
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Bro. Muneer Khan
Sis. Gail Hosein
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Sis. Suraiya Ally
Sis. Faria Mohamed
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Photographers:Sis. Saffiya  Bro. Muneer Khan
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Bro. Ali
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Website Managed By:
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Sis. Elisha Majeed


Last Update: 11:41 GMT, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010

Health & Science > Technology


      Deja Vu (Day 3)

With so much going on it is often difficult to miss events. Thankfully, on my way out last night I found my way to one talk I'm glad I didn't miss. The speaker drew in such a large crowd, I've never seen the conference hall as full.


      Wheels Go Round and Round (Day 2)

Being engaged in the telecoms industry for just less than a decade, I've seen some colorful things in many countries around the world. I wasn't, however, ...


      Mobile Harmony (Day 1)

It is now 5:30 and I find myself typing at the end of the day without even having stepped inside any of the exhibition halls or listening to any of the le...

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      The Immersed Experience

The world telecoms elite gather in Barcelona for another week of intensive talks, demonstrations and networking. The famous nigh...


      Robot Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

A military revolution is taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan and it is not just in how these wars are fought but who are actual...


      Wii Remote Interactive Hacks

You can get a digital whiteboard, a touchscreen, a head-mounted 3-D viewer all in a Wii Remote with only $40.


      SMS: Sending Messages of Sectarianism?

No one better appreciates the essence of mobile technology in the Nigeria’s socio-economic and political environment than those ...


      iPad as the Ultimate Third Category?

Apple's chief says iPad will comfortably fill the space between smart-phones and laptops, but competitors are unlikely to sit id...


      Mapping Mobile Gaming

With the leading annual mobile conference just around the corner in February in Barcelona, London played host to a smaller niche...


      Make the Map to Aid in the Disaster (Video)

Google's Lalitesh Katragadda demos in this video how mapping the world in details would help save people during disasters and di...


      In Avatar: Medium Eclipses Message

Avatar is a runaway success apparently because of its cutting-edge technology, but it's not immediately clear whether that spell...

Technology: Appropriate Technology . Computers & Communications . General Technology . Military Technology . Space Technology
Contact Health & Science is not responsible for the content of external linked Web sites.


Last Update: 11:44 GMT, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010

Health & Science > Nature


      What Do Children Do in Tobacco Farms?

Children Working
In a new finding, Plan, one of the largest children's development organizations, released a report stating that an estimated 78,000 children in Malawi are working in the tobacco estates, a finding that completely contradicts laws governing child protection.


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The UN Climate Change Conference is attended by 192 countries from around the world. The logo for the conference is made of 192 ...

Nature: Biological Diversity . Ecology . Energy . Pollution . Waste Management . Water Resources
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Last Update: 11:41 GMT, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010

Health & Science > Technology


      Deja Vu (Day 3)

With so much going on it is often difficult to miss events. Thankfully, on my way out last night I found my way to one talk I'm glad I didn't miss. The speaker drew in such a large crowd, I've never seen the conference hall as full.


      Wheels Go Round and Round (Day 2)

Being engaged in the telecoms industry for just less than a decade, I've seen some colorful things in many countries around the world. I wasn't, however, ...


      Mobile Harmony (Day 1)

It is now 5:30 and I find myself typing at the end of the day without even having stepped inside any of the exhibition halls or listening to any of the le...

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      The Immersed Experience

The world telecoms elite gather in Barcelona for another week of intensive talks, demonstrations and networking. The famous nigh...


      Robot Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

A military revolution is taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan and it is not just in how these wars are fought but who are actual...


      Wii Remote Interactive Hacks

You can get a digital whiteboard, a touchscreen, a head-mounted 3-D viewer all in a Wii Remote with only $40.


      SMS: Sending Messages of Sectarianism?

No one better appreciates the essence of mobile technology in the Nigeria’s socio-economic and political environment than those ...


      iPad as the Ultimate Third Category?

Apple's chief says iPad will comfortably fill the space between smart-phones and laptops, but competitors are unlikely to sit id...


      Mapping Mobile Gaming

With the leading annual mobile conference just around the corner in February in Barcelona, London played host to a smaller niche...


      Make the Map to Aid in the Disaster (Video)

Google's Lalitesh Katragadda demos in this video how mapping the world in details would help save people during disasters and di...


      In Avatar: Medium Eclipses Message

Avatar is a runaway success apparently because of its cutting-edge technology, but it's not immediately clear whether that spell...

Technology: Appropriate Technology . Computers & Communications . General Technology . Military Technology . Space Technology
Contact Health & Science is not responsible for the content of external linked Web sites.
